Adventure awaits in the great outdoors, and Black Bird's selection of camping and outdoor living gear is designed to enhance every moment under the open sky.
For over a century, brands like Coleman have equipped explorers and family campers alike, ensuring the call of the wild is answered with quality and comfort.
From the essential tent to the innovative portable grill, our gear turns any spot into a home away from home.
After 120 years, Coleman gear is everywhere you are: on the trail, by the lake, at a tailgate, or in the middle of a music festival. We're always around a place where there are friends, coolers, and campfires. So, grab a tent, fire up a grill, and pull up a chair. The outside is calling. Answer it.
Over sixty years ago Norm Coghlan founded Coghlan’s Ltd. with the Camp Stove Toaster, establishing the foundation for what would become the largest single brand of camping accessories in the world.
Mountain House specializes in freeze-dried foods for all climates & adventures. From Biscuits & Gravy to Chicken Fajitas, we've got you covered!
CamelBak manufactures hydration packs, water bottles, reservoirs, & more fit for any adventure.
We believe food brings us together and always tastes better when cooked and eaten outside. Gear, Solutions, and Innovations for your next meal under the open sky.
Igloo's product line includes a wide range of coolers and ice chests for various uses, from small personal coolers to large commercial coolers, as well as beverage dispensers, marine coolers, and accessories.
Black Bird Shopping Center
1810 W. Main St.
Medford, OR 97501
(541) 779-5431
Store Hours
Mon – Sat: 9AM – 7PM
Sun: 9:30AM – 6:30PM
Rental Shop Hours
Mon – Sat: 9AM – 6:30PM
Sun: 9:30AM – 6PM
Black Bird ACE Hardware #18395
4403 S. Pacific Highway
Phoenix, OR 97535
(541) 512-0000
Store Hours
Mon – Sat: 9AM – 7PM
Sun: 9:30AM – 6:30PM
Tap Room Hours
Mon – Sat: 12PM – 8PM
Sun: 12PM – 7PM
Copyright ©2023 Black Bird Shopping Center All Rights Reserved